Personalized Nutrition (PN) is a scientific approach to developing comprehensive and dynamic nutritional recommendations based on a wide array of variables including genetics, dietary habits, metabolic patterns, health status, socioeconomic and psychosocial characteristics, food environments, physical activity, and the microbiome.

More simply put, PN is the response to the question: What should I eat to be healthy? Thus, PN represents an advancement on traditional dietary advice and early personalized approaches such as nutritional genomics, recognizing that what is healthful for one individual is not the same for another, and understanding that health and dietary responses change across time.


Co-Chair: Dr. Bibiana Garcia-Jackson, General Mills
Co-Chair: Alpa Shah, Haleon

Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Intriligator, Tufts School of Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sameer Sonkusale, Tufts School of Engineering

Digital and connective devices permeate our everyday lives and have potential to be powerful tools for monitoring and diagnosing health and nutrition-related conditions. However, most digital apps lack “stickiness” (they are used for a short period of time and then discarded) and what diagnostic tools do exist are scientifically early and often underfunded. This group explores questions around how to “crack the code on personalization” and get/keep consumers using digital apps for health and nutrition monitoring and how to bolster diagnostic science to make it more accurate and readily available.


    1. Literature Review: Is there a better way to cluster the population when developing Precision Nutrition recommendations? Review of dietary interventions using Precision Nutrition recommendations. Mélanie Guirette, PhD, RD, 2024
    2. White Paper: Precision Nutrition: Maintaining scientific integrity while realizing market potential, Frontiers of Nutrition, September 2022
    3. Literature Review: Market Opportunities in Precision Nutrition, Yuchen He and Jessie Lan, 2021
    4. Timeline of the History of Precision Nutrition, Yuchen He and Jessie Lan, 2021


Alpa Shah


Medical Affairs Lead - US Wellness/Nutrition

Alpa Shah


Medical Affairs Lead - US Wellness/Nutrition

Bibiana Garcia-Jackson

General Mills

Senior Nutrition Scientist

Bibiana Garcia-Jackson

General Mills

Senior Nutrition Scientist

Carolina Loya

Grupo Bimbo

Research & Development Supervisor: Sustainable Nutrition

Carolina Loya

Grupo Bimbo

Research & Development Supervisor: Sustainable Nutrition

Casey Costello

Good Measures

Head of Client Success & Partnerships

Casey Costello

Good Measures

Head of Client Success & Partnerships

Chaitali Savjani


Associate Director, R&D Nutritionals

Chaitali Savjani


Associate Director, R&D Nutritionals

Christina Khoo

Ocean Spray

Director, Emerging Science, Nutrition & Regulatory Affairs

Christina Khoo

Ocean Spray

Director, Emerging Science, Nutrition & Regulatory Affairs

Claudio Riquelme


Innovation Leader in Food & Nutrition

Claudio Riquelme


Innovation Leader in Food & Nutrition

Doug Bolster


Senior Director, Translational & Clinical Research

Doug Bolster


Senior Director, Translational & Clinical Research

Eileen Kennedy


Eileen Kennedy


James Intriligator

Professor of the Practice, Mechanical Engineering

James Intriligator

Professor of the Practice, Mechanical Engineering

Jane Friedrich


Vice President, Global Core R&D

Jane Friedrich


Vice President, Global Core R&D

Jiantao Ma

Friedman School

Assistant Professor

Jiantao Ma

Friedman School

Assistant Professor

Jonathan Clinthorne

Simply Good Foods Company

Director of Nutrition

Jonathan Clinthorne

Simply Good Foods Company

Director of Nutrition

Joy Devins

Nestle Health Science

Director of Personalization

Joy Devins

Nestle Health Science

Director of Personalization

Lauren Abda

Branch Venture Group


Lauren Abda

Branch Venture Group


Lynn Yu

Kraft Heinz

Nutrition Team Lead

Lynn Yu

Kraft Heinz

Nutrition Team Lead

Michele Lefebvre


Nutrition & Wellbeing Manager

Michele Lefebvre


Nutrition & Wellbeing Manager

Nicole Ninteau

Food & Nutrition Innovation Institute

Strategy & Insights Manager

Nicole Ninteau

Food & Nutrition Innovation Institute

Strategy & Insights Manager

Nimali Fernando

Dr. Yum Project

Founder & Chief Visionary Officer

Nimali Fernando

Dr. Yum Project

Founder & Chief Visionary Officer

Peter Lurie

Center for Science in the Public Interest

President & Executive Director

Peter Lurie

Center for Science in the Public Interest

President & Executive Director

Sara Eckhouse

Foodshot Global

Executive Director

Sara Eckhouse

Foodshot Global

Executive Director

Sarah Ohlhorst

American Society for Nutrition

Chief Science Policy Officer

Sarah Ohlhorst

American Society for Nutrition

Chief Science Policy Officer

Sean Harrington


Founder & General Manager

Sean Harrington


Founder & General Manager

Tristin Brisbois


Director, Advanced Personalization Ideation Center

Tristin Brisbois


Director, Advanced Personalization Ideation Center

Zully Corona

Grupo Bimbo

Global Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Director

Zully Corona

Grupo Bimbo

Global Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Director