The Boston foodtech industry is a thriving and large economic cluster serving customers across the breadth of the supply chain with global impact. The cluster is the product of several technology verticals, centralized in Boston, but spread out across Greater Boston and other regions of Massachusetts.

The 2024 Boston foodtech full report will be available soon!

The Market Map includes all identified Massachusetts foodtech companies. To represent the cluster’s structure, we developed an original taxonomy comprised of the 3 sectors above plus 14 sub-sectors.
AI + Food & Nutrition Course
NUTR 390: Introduction to AI-Based Applications for Nutrition and Health Research (AIRNH) offers an overview of AI-based applications beneficial for health and nutrition research. It emphasizes the use of knowledge graphs, conceptual maps, and causal diagrams to enhance understanding and practical skills. The course also focuses on ethical considerations in using AI-powered tools, addressing the impacts of structural missingness on algorithmic bias, and exploring data representation and model transparency within the context of nutrition science and policy.