Modernization of the global food supply chain is happening through the application of AI, robotics, biotech, and data analysis. In order to meet the demands of a rapidly changing planet, we believe a focus on this technology application space as a key economic cluster is an imperative. 


Co-Chair: Dr. Weslee Glenn, Ayana Bio
Co-Chair: Dr. Jonathan Clinthorne, Simply Good Foods Company
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Scott Frost, Tufts University Center for Cellular Agriculture (TUCCA)

Novel and bio synthetic ingredients continue to disrupt and add complexity to the food supply. Examples of these ingredients include fiber, proteins, sugar, fats, vitamins, minerals, and chemical additives. With the goal of creating a nutrition-centered food system, this group examines how we best support rapid evolution of these ingredients: what must happen to further this goal and what must stop? The group discusses how the evolution of food science and technology will require us to redefine “ultra-processed” foods, with the aim of de-villainizing the term and moving towards a value-add lexicon emphasizing additives of healthy, microbiome-positive ingredients.


Jonathan Clinthorne

Simply Good Foods Company

Director of Nutrition

Jonathan Clinthorne

Simply Good Foods Company

Director of Nutrition

Lauren Abda

Branch Venture Group


Lauren Abda

Branch Venture Group


Nicole Ninteau

Food & Nutrition Innovation Institute

Strategy & Insights Manager

Nicole Ninteau

Food & Nutrition Innovation Institute

Strategy & Insights Manager

Tawanda Muzhingi

Global Forum for Plant Based and Alternative Proteins

Founder and Executive Director

Tawanda Muzhingi

Global Forum for Plant Based and Alternative Proteins

Founder and Executive Director

Weslee Glenn

Ayana Bio

Head of Innovation

Weslee Glenn

Ayana Bio

Head of Innovation